LPL Financial
LPL Financial is one of the nation’s leading financial services companies and a publicly traded company on the NASDAQ under ticker symbol LPLA. The firm’s mission is rooted in the belief that objective financial guidance is a fundamental need for everyone.
LPL does not offer proprietary investment products or engage in investment banking activities; this means advisors affiliated with LPL are not pressured or influenced by LPL to sell its products. Thousands of financial advisors nationwide are able to rely on the firm’s tools and resources to help them provide financial guidance and recommendations to help meet their clients’ needs.
For more information about LPL Financial, visit
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No Landing = No Sense | Weekly Market Commentary | March 6, 2023
Suggesting an economy makes “no landing” makes no sense. Analogies eventually break down, especially this one. Economic activity does not stop like an airplane eventually does, but rather the economy will settle into a steady state where growth is consistent with factors such as population and productivity. Here we take a look at some factors that illustrate how the economy is struggling to find a stable growth path.
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7616 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Suite 724
Dallas, TX 75251
Office: 214-245-4572
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