Financial and Estate Planning
Financial/Estate Planning:
What do the Rockefellers, Kennedys, Trumps, and Buffets have in common? They have all created sizable wealth, a legacy that needed proper Financial/Estate planning. With any level of wealth comes the need to not only protect it from unnecessary investment risks, but from other unnecessary loss due to probate costs or the dreaded ‘death tax’.
We all have an estate if you have any of the following: personal assets, real property, joint interests, qualified retirement plans, life insurance, and/or business interests. Estate Planning is the process through which you develop strategies establishing various forms of ownership or legal titles for each property. The objectives are:
1. to protect the family,
2. to provide for an efficient utilization of assets during your lifetime,
3. to ensure that estate property is adequate for family needs,
4. to arrange for an orderly distribution of assets to the beneficiaries, and
5. to ensure upon death that the surviving family member would be able to obtain proper guidance and advice from trusted professionals.
Why work for a lifetime saving and protecting your family assets and have it all wither away because of the lack of an estate plan? Dallas Financial Advisors® can help you create an estate plan. I use WealthVision, by EMoney, to create professional and appropriate Financial and Estate plans.
WealthVision is the LPL Financial recommended financial planning software. This integrated solution serves the needs of financial advisors and their clients seeking to aggregate account assets and information for the purpose of tracking progress against goals.
- Comprehensive and flexible web-based wealth and goal planning tool
- Fully integrated with LPL Financial Account View
- From single-goal or event analysis, such as retirement or an unexpected death or disability, to a comprehensive financial plan, WealthVision helps you create a roadmap, wherever you might be in life
- Provides comprehensive, aggregated client view of all assets in one place with real time asset values for your financial plan across multiple accounts and advisors (LPL Financial and non-LPL Financial accounts)
- Leverages LPL Financial Research asset allocation models
You can also watch a video that explains how this sophisitcated tool works by clicking here.
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